At The Good Shepherd, we love Jesus in all we do


Thank you for visiting our website. I hope that you find the information that you are looking for and that you get a ‘flavour’ of the ethos of our school, up to date news as well as our recent events and successes. First and foremost we are a Catholic school, rooted firmly in the Gospel values of love and respect. We always put the interests and needs of our children first and strive to do all we possibly can to encourage them to fulfil their full potential and develop a lifelong love of learning. We seek to live out our school mission every day and instil in the children our key school values of: mercy, respect, joy, service, gratitude, generosity, courage and achievement. In this way we live like Jesus in our words and actions each day.

Latest News

Nursery places

Our nursery is currently full but we have full / part time places available in September. Please visit our Nursery page for the application information or call in to the school office for a paper form

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