Free school meals
In September 2014, Universal Free School Meals were introduced for all pupils in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2. We encourage all parents to take up the offer.
Beyond Year 2, your child may also qualify for free school meals. Check here if your child can get free school meals and find out how to apply.
Free School Meals should be claimed for all eligible children, regardless of age (including children entitled to Universal Free School Meals) as the school receives a Pupil Premium Grant from the government for all children who claim Free School Meals through the Local Authority.
Packed Lunches
Children may bring a packed lunch. These should be in a secure container and must not contain any glass bottles, sweets, chocolate bars or nuts, including peanut butter, nutella etc. This is because there are pupils and staff members with severe nut allergies. No nuts are allowed in packed lunches during day trips either.
All lunch boxes should be stored on the shelves under the shelter on the main playground.
Milk & Fruit
Foundation and Key Stage One Children are provided with a free piece of fruit, during morning break time every day, under the National Fruit Scheme. Milk is free for children under the age of five and those in receipt of free school meals. Otherwise, when your child reaches five, you will be asked to pay for school milk.
Key Stage Two children are allowed to bring a piece of fruit from home to eat at morning break time. Cereal bars are not permitted.
If your child wishes to celebrate their birthday with their peers, they may bring in sweets to share with the class. They must be individually wrapped and contain no nuts or trace of nuts.