Our Staff

Senior Leadership Team


Mrs C Toner

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs E Shajpal (on maternity leave from June 2024)

Assistant Headteacher and Acting Deputy Headteacher

Mr J Barfield

Acting Assistant Headteacher

Mrs K Dickson


Teacher: Mrs K Dickson and Mrs K Kitching

Support Staff: Mrs K Knowles and Mrs T Varga


Teachers:  Mrs A Whittle, Miss M Kendrick and Mrs K Kitching

Support staff:  Ms R Farrelly, Mrs M Jordan, Miss N Passarelli, Mrs G Volpe

Year 1

Teachers: Miss H Clarke, Mrs S Dickinson and Miss D Ryan

Support staff: Mrs Z Wood, Mrs C Tyler, Mrs A Meadows and Mrs D Smart.

Year 2

Teachers: Mrs K Kaur and Miss S Whitaker

Support staff: Miss L Dales, Mrs A Rowntree, Mrs S McCulloch, Miss M Junaid and Mr N McLaughlin

Year 3

Teachers: Mrs J Walsh and Miss H Sweeney

Support staff: Mrs K Woodward, Mrs T Degasperi and Mrs M Bramley

Year 4

Teachers: Mrs S Dougal and Miss M Tomycz

Support staff: Mrs M Bramley, Miss L Dawes and Mrs S Sarno

Year 5

Teachers: Mrs M Brown (was Miss Shaw) (SENDCo), Mrs L Atherton and Mrs H Walker

Support staff: Mrs E Bottoms, Miss K Grewal and Miss D Morris

Year 6

Teachers: Mrs A Moore, Mr J Barfield and Mrs C Cordes

Support staff: Miss L Murphy

Other support staff

Mr D Connolly – PE teacher

Mr  T Walters- Music Teacher

Mr M Fox – Music Teacher

Mrs C Newson – Office manager

Mrs A Murphy – Office and teacher support

Mrs S Newman – Attendance Officer and Senior lunchtime support

Mrs C Brunton – Pastoral Care and ELSA

Mrs S Moore  – Head cook

Ms M Gorniakowska – Lunchtime supervisor

Mr M Levey – Lunchtime supervisor

Miss K Remzi – Lunchtime supervisor

Miss K Wilson – Lunchtime supervisor

Mrs S Wood – Lunchtime supervisor

Ms J Ma – Lunchtime supervisor

Mrs L Waters – Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs R Rae – Lunchtime supervisor