Our governors are volunteers from our parish and school community.
The main role of the governing body is to operate at a strategic level, leaving the Head Teacher and senior leaders responsible and accountable to the governing body for the operational day-to-day running of the school. The three core functions of the governing body are:
- The Catholic life of the school
- Standards (attainment, progress, curriculum provision)
- Pastoral care and welfare of the pupils (including safeguarding)
We currently have eight governors comprised of:
- Six foundation governors, appointed by the Bishop of Nottingham
- Two parent governors, elected by parents of the school to act as a representative for the parents on the governing body
Our Head Teacher is required to attend all LGB Meetings.
Committee structure and meetings
We hold six meetings a year. The meetings are chaired by Mrs Rebecca Burke, our Chair of Governors.
School visits
As part of their role, governors are expected to visit the school at least once per term. This is in addition to supporting key school events. Governors are linked to key areas and visits are carried out to monitor and evaluate educational performance through learning walks and book scrutinies.